Menlo Architecture is a full service architecture and design firm with capabilities ranging from project feasibility and schematic design through construction administration. Our projects include residential additions, renovations, new construction, and light commercial work. 

Based on your project program, our scope of work or deliverables may include a master plan, a pricing package for your contractor, 3D models, or a full set of detailed construction documents. We will work together to define the appropriate deliverables to meet your budget and your project’s needs. 

Below are some of the typical phases you can expect. We’d love to share more about our capabilities and how we can help you. Please contact us to learn more.


The first step in bringing a client’s vision to life is to define the project goals. This is where we discuss your needs and wants, explore the opportunities (and limitations), and refine the scope of your project based on things like local codes, zoning ordinances, HOA requirements, and yes, your budget. All of this ensures we don’t waste time and effort going down a path that may not be feasible.

This is also when we can discuss phasing various pieces of the project if time or budget does not allow everything to be done at once.  While the construction work might be completed in phases, it’s still important to fully define the final vision via a master plan so one phase doesn’t get in the way of something that will be done down the road. More on that below!


In this phase we begin exploring the design possibilities for your project using the information we gathered in the due diligence phase. Typically, we will present a few broad design concepts that address your project goals through different solutions. From there we will narrow things down to a solution that meets the project goals and budget. Schematic ideas are typically presented in loose sketch form – these are not final designs or fixed plans, they’re meant to be conceptually evocative and to elicit new ideas and feedback from you.

We will also start thinking about materials, inside and out.  Eventually we’ll know every finish in every room, but here we’ll conceptualize the material palette that supports the overall design vision.

We’ll meet to review and discuss the evolution of the design several times, each time refining the level of detail and decisions. At the end of this phase you’ll have a set of drawings that conveys the overall design intent and can be used for rough pricing from builders (but isn’t quite ready to build from).


During this phase we put all of the information about the house into a detailed set of drawings and specifications that will be used by the contractor for pricing and construction.  Think of it as an instruction manual. Before beginning construction documents we’ll discuss the type of contract you’d like to pursue with your builder and we’ll craft the drawings and level of detail  based on that decision.  Depending on the scope of the project your final set of documents may include a site plan, floor plans, elevations, electrical plans, door & window details.


Menlo Architecture can stay involved with your project through the entire construction process.  The architect’s role in this phase is to ensure the design is constructed as intended, and to answer design questions that inevitably arise during the construction process. We will work closely with you and your contractor to find a level of involvement that works best for the scope of your project. 

If you don’t have a builder in mind, we can also assist in recommending and interviewing qualified builders with whom we’ve worked in the past.


